Holocaust Films Database

Based on the Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg's book

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Holocaust Films Database

The Holocaust as Seen by Through Film by Rabbi Dr. Bernhard H. Rosenberg is a special book that adds to his other authored that educate students, educators and the community about the Holocaust and assists in meeting the New Jersey mandate that all students must learn about the Holocaust and genocide.

This book in particular blends the specific cognitive, historical aspects of the atrocity with excellent literature which helps meet the new common core standards through the pictures, questions, discussions and research associated with each story.

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This site contains a brief description of a select collection of Holocaust related and inspired films, along with relevant questions to spark dynamic classroom discussion. It is not designed to be an exhaustive list, but rather, numerous movies, documentaries, and films that the author believes are of value to students of the Holocaust and their teachers.

Film Details

Movie Poster Call to Remember
Year: 1997
Country: US
Director: Jack Bender
Language: English
Rating: R
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A Call To Remember is a made for cable drama about the continuing struggles of Holocaust survivors and the burden placed on the children of survivors. Mr. and Mrs. Tobias, both Holocaust survivors who lost spouses and children in concentration camps, alienate their children by refusing to discuss their Holocaust experiences or their lives before the war. When a mistaken call leads Mrs. Tobias to believe that her son, whom she thought had been killed long ago by the Nazi’s, is still alive, Mrs. Tobias struggles through a deep depression and attempted suicide. Ultimately, as the family rallies around Mrs. Tobias, they grow closer. Mr. and Mrs. Tobias begin to understand the importance of sharing their past with their sons, David and Ben.


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On this map you will be able to click on the markers (CC, cities, routes) and get a quick reference about the related locations to films.